Amateur Radio Software Downloads

  • Digipan - Great PSK31 Software (Freeware)
  • DXMonitor - Internet Connection Required (Freeware)
  • Excel - ADIF Conversion Spreadsheet - Download this handy spreadsheet and use it to input your old manual logbook data and have it converted to the ADIF format to upload to the ARRL's Logbook of The World. This spreadsheet is courtesy of Paul, W8TM. Latest version (September 26, 2003) now provides support for 60 Meters.
  • FTBasicMMO - Memory Management Software w/CAT for the popular Yaesu FT-817, FT-847, FT-857 and FT-897 (FTBasicMMO is Shareware -Very Reasonable)
  • MixW - The soundcard based software that does all the modes! (Shareware - Reasonable)
  • MMSSTV - The greatest free soundcard SSTV software - (Freeware)
  • VX6 Commander Software for programming the Yaesu VX6 Handheld Radio (Freeware)